vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

Franturi... analogice, part II

Daca vii, de pilda, la patru dupa-amiaza, inca de la trei am sa incep sa fiu fericita. Cu cat ora va inainta, cu atat eu ma voi simti mai fericita. La ora patru deja ma voi agita si ma voi nelinisti; voi descoperi pretul fericirii!

And then he took my heart in his hands and kissed it gently. He opened up his lips and said his poetry.

I have lost myself and I am nowhere to be found. I think that I might break... Be my friend, hold me, wrap me up, unfold me. I am small and needy. Warm me up and breath me.

A somber yet beautiful and peaceful gloom here pervaded all things... the shade of the trees feel heavily upon the water, and seemed to bury itself therein, impregnating the depths of the element with darkness.

I'm lying in the ocean, singing your song. Ahhh, that's how you sang it. Loving you forever, can't be wrong. Even though you're not here, I won't move on and there'e no remedy for memory. Your face is like a melody, it won't leave my head. Your soul is haunting me and I wish I was dead.

All the stars may shine bright, all the clouds may be white, but when you smile, ohh, how I feel so good that I can hardly wait to hold you, enfold you.

Kiss me hard beforeyou go. I just wanted you to know that baby you're the best I think I'll miss you forever like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies. Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive.

First of all must go your scent upon my pillow and then I'll say goodbye to you whispers in my dreams. And then our lips will part in my mind and in my heart, because your kiss went deeper than my skin.

Spune intotdeauna ce simti si fa ceea ce gandesti. Daca as stii ca asta ar fi ultima oara cand te voi vedea dormind, te-as imbratisa foarte strans si l-as ruga pe Dumnezeu sa fiu pazitorul sufletului tau. Daca as stii ca asta ar fi ultima oara cand te voi vedea iesind pe usa, ti-as da o imbratisare, un sarut si te-as chema inapoi sa-ti dau mai multe. Daca as stii ca asta ar fi ultima oara cand voi auzi vocea ta, as inregistra fiecare dintre cuvintele tale pentru a le putea asculta o data si inca o data pana la infinit. Daca as stii ca acestea ar fi ultimele minute in care te-as vedea, as spune "te iubesc" si nu mi-as asuma, in mod prostesc, gandul ca deja stii.

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