miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012
# 15
Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit
Ultimul single lansat de pe cel de-al doilea album, "Meteora" (2003). Piesa si trupa in acelasi timp, au ajuns foarte sus in topuri, fiind al cincilea single consecutiv care urca pe prima pozitie in "Billboard Modern Rock Tracks", un lucru care nu a mai fost realizat de nici un artist in istoria acestui clasament. De asemenea a fost cel de-al treilea single de pe album care ajungea pe pozitia intai in "Mainstream Rock Track", si pe locul 20 in "Billboard Hot 100". Piesa a fost dezvoltata in urma cu 5-6 ani de aparitia albumului. Cam atat i-a trebuit lui Mike Shinoda sa scoata un asemenea hit. Intr-adevar o mare piesa. Si videoclipul piesei este unul inedit acesta fiind animat.
Memories consume like opening the wounds
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more than any time before
I have no options left again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
I'll paint it on the walls
'cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012
# 14
Muse - Exo-politics
Nu ma pot abtine sa nu postez inca o piesa de la Muse in atat de scurt timp. Daca tot ma innebuneste piesa asta de cateva ore bune incoace, sa va innebuneasca si pe voi. Dupa parerea mea, o piesa care se apropie foarte mult de un hard rock, piesa provenind de la o trupa de alternative. Provenita de pe "Black Holes And Revelations" din 2006, pot zice ca tine cu succes piept mai comercialei "Starlight". Si ma abtin tare tare sa nu zic ceva si de "Nights Of Cydonia". Altceva legat de piesa: imi place numele ei de mor, si cred ca se potriveste foarte bine mesajul ei nu doar cu starea natiunii la momentul actual, ci si cu starea globala in momentul de fata si nu numai.
Open the skies over me,
I am waiting patiently,
I'll wait for a sign.
As conspiracies unwind,
Will you slam shut,
Or free your mind,
or stay hypnotised.
When the Zetas fill the skies,
Will our leaders tell us why,
Fully loaded satellites,
will conquer nothing but our minds.
And I've waited patiently,
And I'll wait for the sign.
Carried through the centuries,
Secrets locked up,
And loaded on my back,
when it weighs me down.
When the Zetas fill the skies,
It's just our leaders in disguise,
Fully loaded satellites,
will conquer nothing but our minds.
And I am waiting patiently,
And I'll wait for the sign. (Yeah).
And I'm waiting patiently,
I'll wait for the sign
vineri, 13 aprilie 2012
Cantiones profanae
Azi nu vreau sa scriu despre o piesa anume, ci despre un intreg album, daca album se poate numi. Este vorba despre o opera, si anume "Carmina Burana", de Carl Orff, pe numele ei intreg "Carmina Burana: Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis". Nu stiu cati dintre voi cunoasteti latina atat de bine, dar traducerea in engleza ar suna cam asa: "Songs of Beuern: Secular songs for singers and choruses to be sung together with instruments and magic images". Si pentru cei care nu cunosc nici limba engleza: Cantece din Beuern: Cantece vechi pentru solisti si coruri cantate alaturi de instrumente si imagini magice. Beuern este de fapt prescurtarea de la Benediktbeuern (locul de provenienta al operei originale), o localitate din Bavaria, Germania chiar la granita cu Austria. "Carmina Burana" face de fapt parte dintr-o colectie de 3 opere, pe langa aceasta numarandu-se "Catulli Carmina" si "Trionfo de Afrodite". Cea mai cunoscuta parte a operei este "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: O Furtuna". La noi o auzim pe la fest-urile medievale, care numai medievale nu sunt, de multe ori confundandu-se cu un remix marca Enigma, care este destul de popular de altfel. Am avut ocazia sa vad live intreaga opera interpretata de Filarmonica de stat Sibiu anul trecut in Piata Mare si pot zice ca mi s-a ridicat parul de pe mana si de pe tot corpul de altfel. O excelenta punere in scena alaturi de efecte de laser si foc. Opera a fost scrisa in 1935-1936, iar prima reprezentatie a avut-o la Frankfurt in 1937. Carl Orff declara atunci ca opera, activitatea lui muzicala de-abia acum incepe. Contine foarte multe influente ale renasterii si barocului; o treaba pe care multi nu o stiu este ca majoritatea lucrurilor pe care noi le consideram de ev mediu ca si datare, sunt de fapt din perioada renascentista sau baroca. Opera are la baza un manuscris datat la 1230 intitulat "Carmina Burana". Deci de aici prezenta stilului gotic atat de puternica. La aceasta s-au adaugat inca catva pagini in secolul 14, "Codex Buranus". Intreaga lucrare poate fi structura dupa cum urmeaza:
- 55 de piese de morala si batjocura;
- 131 de piese de dragoste;
- 40 de piese de baut si jucat; si
- 2 piese spiritual teatrale mai lungi.
Acesta este intregul cuprins al lucrarii.
Mai mult de atat nu am ce spune decat sa va las sa va delectati cu un concert intreg:
Si daca chiar vreti sa gustati aceasta opera pe de-a-ntregu', eu am gasit pe net pe un nene care a postat si o traducere in romana pe care o puteti gasi aici.
miercuri, 11 aprilie 2012
# 13
Gregory Alan Isakov - If I Go, I'm Goin'
Pentru magica cifra 13, am ales la intamplare o piesa din calculator. Rezultatul este "If I Go, I'm Goin'" de la Gregory Alan Isakov. Tipul s-a nascut in Africa de Sud, dar a traiat in Philadelphia si s-a mutat in colorado. A cantat cu multi artisti de care eu personal nu am auzit, a avut si ceva reprezentatii pe la ceva fest-uri de muzica folk prin Colorado si nu numai, si pe langa piesa asta care a devenit celebra din serialul "Californication", a mai scos o piesa a care a aparut intr-o campanie publicitara de Craciun marca McDonald's. Discografia lui cuprinde 4 albume in momentul de fata, iar piesa pe care eu am ales-o pentru acest post imi place. E o piesa trista dar poate gaseste pe cineva in postura necesara transpunerii in versurile sale.
This house
She's holding secrets
I got my change behind the bed
In a coffee can,
I throw my nickels in
Just in case I have to leave
And I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go I'm goin shameless
I'll let my hunger take me there
This house
She's quite the talker
She creeks and moans
She keeps me up
And the photographs
Know I'm a liar
They just laugh as I burn her down
And I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go I'm goin on fire
Let my anger take me there
The shingles man they're shaking
The back door's burning through
This house she's quite the keeper
Quite the keeper of you
I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go, I'm goin crazy
I'll let my darlin take me there
marți, 10 aprilie 2012
# 12
30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth
Astazi la "One day - One song" avem o trupa de alternative (30 Seconds To Mars) si o piesa care aduce a cadere libera din orice (Edge Of The Earth). Chiar daca ascult Alannah Myles de 2 zile incoace, 30 Seconds To Mars este pentru mine descrierea perfecta a zilei. O piesa perfect construita care dupa ce va fi audiata nu cred ca mai are nevoie de alte descrieri, iar versurile vorbesc de la sine.
You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face
I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time
[Chorus x3]
(Stand out on the edge of the earth)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012
# 11
Alter Bridge - I Know It Hurts
Inainte dar si dupa ce l-am vazut live in actiune pe Myles Kennedy, voacalistul trupei Aler Bridge, cantand cu Slash la Nova Rock 2010 parul de pe mana si de pe corp a devenit brusc erect, iar sufletul si creierul meu deopotriva au avut un orgasm instantaneu. Alter Bridge pentru mine a devenit the ultimate rock'n'roll band. Americanii au luat-o incet si au ajuns la cel de-al treilea album, intitulat "AB III". Vreau sa precizez ca la mine cand ruleaza albumul asta, ruleaza in varianta deluxe, si anume "AB III.5" Daca nu ati auzit de Alter Bridge sigur ati auzit de Creed, trupa de la care a pornit nucleul actualei trupe. Eu am mai scris aici o recenzie despre albumul "AB III" pe vremea aceea nefiind prezent si in varianta deluxe, dar piesa aceasta este prezenta si pe varianta normala de album, deci nu o sa mai dau detalii despre ea. De precizat ar mai fi doar faptul ca pe masura ce se lanseaza albume devin mai negre, mai dark daca vreti, iar asta e bine, suna mai bine, Myles Kennedy este implicat mai mult in compunerea si scrierea pieselor, iar Myles Kennedy ruleaza; nu degeaba a vrut sa il ia Slash la Velvet Revolver. Dar pana la urma ma bucur ca nu s-a intamplat asa pentru ca rezultatul este dublu. Myles este in continuare prezent la Alter Bridge, iar Slash va lansa un nou album luna viitoare cu nimeni altul decat Myles. Deci cred ca e mai bine asa. In alta ordine de idei piesa aleasa de mine azi este una care are ceva vesel in ea dar cu versuri destul de negre. Mai jos este si o reprezentatie live de exceptie de pe dvd-ul "Live At Wembley" cu aceasta piesa, care de-abia astept sa apara sa il vad. Deci, auditie placuta!
And you say this ain’t living
You say you can’t go on
Only take as you’re given
Now your hope is all but gone
Though you lost your way (now is not forever)
But I know your pain
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
And the tide’s only rising
The storm is on it’s way… yeah
But you can’t keep on fighting
So bitter worn and so afraid
Though it’s sad and wrong
I hope you will remember
You must carry on
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
There’s still tomorrow
Hold on hold on
There’s still tomorrow
Just wait just wait
There’s still tomorrow
Hold on [x2]
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
joi, 5 aprilie 2012
# 10
Bullet For My Valentine - Your Betrayal
Avand in vedere ca piesa asta mai nou ma trezeste dimineata, iar saptamana asta m-a tradat de 2 ori -"Your Betrayal".
O piesa metalcore, compusa de Matt Tuck, vocalistul trupei si lansata ca prim single in U.S. de pe cel de-al treilea album semnat Bullet For My Valentine, "Fever" din 2010. Inceputul piesei este cel care zdrobeste tot; riff-urile chitarilor acompaniaza si dubleaza cu succes bataia de la tobe, iar in plus de asta bridge-ul din ultima treime a piesei este genial. O structura muzicala tot mai prezenta pe al doilea si respectiv cel de-al treilea album BFMV. Piesa are parte de un clip simplu, cu baietii cantand intr-un prim plan si cu niste fete si ceva foc in plan secundar. Pretty simple and cool. Piesa a avut parte de o promovare mai aparte aparand si pe coloana sonora de prezentare intr-o reclama a filmului "Salt". Din nou Angelina Jolie; pam pam!
Am I going insane (insane)
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks)
My body shaking there’s no turning back
Don't take your eyes off the trigger
I’m not to blame if your world turns to black
as your eyes start to blister
There's just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I’m in your head
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name
You said that we’d be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face
Now that we can’t be together
There’s just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I’m in your head
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
Soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
So here we are (so here we are, I’m in your head
(I’m in your head)
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal!!
sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012
# 9
Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon
Asta e pentru toti taranii de la lucru! Sa va fut in gura de neciopliti si de prosti, ca a tunat si v-a adunat. FUCK!
Cam cea mai agresiva piesa de pe cel de-al doilea album Bullet For My Valentine, "Scream Aim Fire". Este al treilea single de pe album, iar pe disc single apare alaturi de piesa "Say Goodnight", foarte buna si ea de altfel. Nu cred ca e nevoie de alte cuvinte decat de versurile si video-ul de mai jos:
Helpless, my eyes are bleeding from the fear that's inside,
You sealed your demise when you took what was mine.
Dont try and stop me from avenging this world,
No voice to be heard.
Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.
Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.
Caution, there's just no limits to the boundaries you push,
I've warned you but still you just fuck with my mind.
There's no escape from this rage that i feel,
Nothing is real.
Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.
Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.
Breath for me,
Don't wake me from this slumber.
Stay with me,
Possession taking over X2
Breath for me,
Don't wake me from this slumber.
Stay with me,
Possession taking over X2
Wakïng the Demon
Asta e pentru toti taranii de la lucru! Sa va fut in gura de neciopliti si de prosti, ca a tunat si v-a adunat. FUCK!
Cam cea mai agresiva piesa de pe cel de-al doilea album Bullet For My Valentine, "Scream Aim Fire". Este al treilea single de pe album, iar pe disc single apare alaturi de piesa "Say Goodnight", foarte buna si ea de altfel. Nu cred ca e nevoie de alte cuvinte decat de versurile si video-ul de mai jos:
Helpless, my eyes are bleeding from the fear that's inside,
You sealed your demise when you took what was mine.
Dont try and stop me from avenging this world,
No voice to be heard.
Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.
Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.
Caution, there's just no limits to the boundaries you push,
I've warned you but still you just fuck with my mind.
There's no escape from this rage that i feel,
Nothing is real.
Waking the Demon,
Where'd ya run to.
Walking in shadows,
Watch the blood flow.
Theres not much longer so dont try and fight,
Your bodies weakening so walk to the light.
All those painfull times so alone so ashamed,
I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain.
Breath for me,
Don't wake me from this slumber.
Stay with me,
Possession taking over X2
Breath for me,
Don't wake me from this slumber.
Stay with me,
Possession taking over X2
Wakïng the Demon
vineri, 30 martie 2012
# 8
Deftones - Beauty School
2010, "Diamond Eyes", track 5 - "Beauty School". Atat de bine curge piesa asta acum, incat imi pare rau ca nu am o tigara.
I Like You When
When You Take Off Your Face
Put Away All Your Teeth
And Take Us Way Underneath
Cause You Could Die If You Take It Alone
I Watch You Taste And
I See Your Face
And I Know I'm Alive
You're Shooting Stars
From The Barrel Of Your Eyes
It Drives Me Crazy
Just Drives Me Wild
I Kinda Like You When
When You Make Up Them Real
Take The Phone In Your Room
Stop The Tape I'll Resume
Well You Could Try If You Think It Will Load
(Everytime, Everytime You Try)
While It's A Beautiful Ride
While It's A Beautiful Ride
2010, "Diamond Eyes", track 5 - "Beauty School". Atat de bine curge piesa asta acum, incat imi pare rau ca nu am o tigara.
I Like You When
When You Take Off Your Face
Put Away All Your Teeth
And Take Us Way Underneath
Cause You Could Die If You Take It Alone
I Watch You Taste And
I See Your Face
And I Know I'm Alive
You're Shooting Stars
From The Barrel Of Your Eyes
It Drives Me Crazy
Just Drives Me Wild
I Kinda Like You When
When You Make Up Them Real
Take The Phone In Your Room
Stop The Tape I'll Resume
Well You Could Try If You Think It Will Load
(Everytime, Everytime You Try)
While It's A Beautiful Ride
While It's A Beautiful Ride
marți, 27 martie 2012
# 7
The Cult - Painted On My Heart
Neaparuta oficial pe nici un album semnat "The Cult", piesa este single-ul de prezentare al filmului "Gone in 60 seconds" cu Nicolas Cage si Angelina Jolie din 2000. Piesa apare pe o varianta neoficiala a albumului "Beyond Good And Evil" din 2001, album in care pe langa clasica formula, la tobe il intalnim pe Matt Sorum, cel de-al doilea tobosar la tron in trupa Guns 'N' Roses, mai apoi si la Velvet Revolver. O piesa numai buna de mers cu masina, chiar daca versurile au ceva idilic acolo; dar cine a vazut si a inteles filmul, banuiesc ca intelege si de ce piesa aceasta pentru reprezentarea lui...
I thought you'd be out of my mind
And I'd finally found a way to learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you
But it's just not so
And after all this time, I still can't let go
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've tried everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just can't seem to
I guess it's just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you
And I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of her fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart, oh baby
Something in your eyes keeps haunting me
I'm trying to escape you
And I know there ain't no way to
To chase you from my mind
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've still got your face
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Neaparuta oficial pe nici un album semnat "The Cult", piesa este single-ul de prezentare al filmului "Gone in 60 seconds" cu Nicolas Cage si Angelina Jolie din 2000. Piesa apare pe o varianta neoficiala a albumului "Beyond Good And Evil" din 2001, album in care pe langa clasica formula, la tobe il intalnim pe Matt Sorum, cel de-al doilea tobosar la tron in trupa Guns 'N' Roses, mai apoi si la Velvet Revolver. O piesa numai buna de mers cu masina, chiar daca versurile au ceva idilic acolo; dar cine a vazut si a inteles filmul, banuiesc ca intelege si de ce piesa aceasta pentru reprezentarea lui...
I thought you'd be out of my mind
And I'd finally found a way to learn to live without you
I thought it was just a matter of time
Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you
But it's just not so
And after all this time, I still can't let go
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've tried everything that I can
To get my heart to forget you
But it just can't seem to
I guess it's just no use
In every part of me
Is still a part of you
And I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory, baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of her fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart, oh baby
Something in your eyes keeps haunting me
I'm trying to escape you
And I know there ain't no way to
To chase you from my mind
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
This love so deep inside of me, baby
I've still got your face
I've still got your face
Painted on my heart
Painted on my heart
# 7,
angelina jolie,
beyond good and evil,
gone in 60 seconds,
guns 'n' roses,
matt sorum,
nicolas cage,
one day - one song,
painted on my heart,
the cult
# 6
Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly The Same
O trupa pe care eu nu am ascultat-o pana acum sau nu m-a interesat, dar piesa asta m-a prins, m-a prins bine de tot. Oamenii astia sunt din Ohio, U.S si canta industrial rock; ceea ce ma face sa cred ca o sa mai iau la mana cateva albume de la ei sa ascult. La fel ca multe trupe, piese descoperite de mine si placute de la primul acord, nici aceasta nu face exceptie si a fost audiata de mine intr-un film, si anume "Wanted". Mesajul piesei cuprinde bine secventa din film in care este redata; ca sa va faceti o impresie mai buna despre asta, mai jos sunt versurile.
I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around
Oh, no
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can't remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end
I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind
I'm still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do
[Chorus x2]
O trupa pe care eu nu am ascultat-o pana acum sau nu m-a interesat, dar piesa asta m-a prins, m-a prins bine de tot. Oamenii astia sunt din Ohio, U.S si canta industrial rock; ceea ce ma face sa cred ca o sa mai iau la mana cateva albume de la ei sa ascult. La fel ca multe trupe, piese descoperite de mine si placute de la primul acord, nici aceasta nu face exceptie si a fost audiata de mine intr-un film, si anume "Wanted". Mesajul piesei cuprinde bine secventa din film in care este redata; ca sa va faceti o impresie mai buna despre asta, mai jos sunt versurile.
I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around
Oh, no
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can't remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end
I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind
I'm still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do
[Chorus x2]
luni, 26 martie 2012
# 5
Alizee - J'en Ai Marre
O piesa la care nu cred ca se astepta absolut nimeni. Tipa rula pe la tv acum cativa ani, iar eu am redescoperit-o recent. 27 de ani, frantuzoaica, buna, canta bine, pop si in plus, are pe fata sculptata o imagine de adolescenta care ramane acolo si nu se mai maturizeaza. Aceasta este Alizee (Dupa parerea mea imaginea Lolitei). Nu inteleg ce canta, dar muzica ei si probabil faptul ca o face in franceza ma incita si imi place. Tipa cica a fost descoperita la ceva concurs de talente de prin Franta pe vremea cand avea doar 15 ani (nici Justin Timberlake nu avea decat 12 ani cand a fost descoperit, respectiv 15 cand a filmat primul videoclip cu N'Sync, deci e din filmul acela) si de atunci a lansat 4 albume si al 5-lea e pe vine. Nu cred ca am sa spun mai multe despre piesa, deci mai jos ca atare aveti si versurile; sper sa va placa optiunea mea pentru luni.
J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je m'eclabousse
J'en ris !
Mon poisson rouge
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je l'emmitoufle
Je lui dis :
J'ai pas de probleme
Je faineante
Pas de malaise
Je faineante
Dans l'eau je baigne
C?est l'important
Bien a mon aise dans l'air du temps
J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je brule a l'ombre
Des bombes
Tout est delice
Des lits des cibles
Je fais la liste des choses
Qui m'indisposent
J'en ai marre de ceux qui pleurent
Qui ne roule qu'a 2 a l'heure
Qui se lamentent et qui s'fixent
Sur l'idee d'une idee fixe
J'en ai marre de ceux qui ralent
Des extremistes a 2 balles
Qui voient la vie tout en noire
Qui m'expedient dans l'cafard
J'en ai marre de la grande soeur
Qui gemit tout et qui pleure
Marre de la pluie, des courgettes
Qui m'font vomir sous la couette
J'en ai marre de ces cyniques
Et dans les pres les colchiques
J'en ai marre d'en avoir marre
J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse
Pas de secousses sismiques
Je me prelasse
Et me delasse
C'est mon etat aquatique
Y'a comme un hic!
duminică, 25 martie 2012
iNuke Boom
De la FHM citire:
"Cand eram noi mici, negrii din filme umblau pe strada cu niste casetofoane uriase, din care le curgeau cantari de reggae sau rap, gen muzical care a precedat hip hop-ul de astazi.
Intre timp, negrii din filme si-au luat masini, si ultimul racnet in materie e sa si le "tuneze" cu sisteme audio bune pentru demolari de vibratii. Ce curge din ele nu mai e muzica, ci zgomot. Stim asta pentru ca avem si noi "negrii" nostri, de toate culorile, cu masini "tunate" si muzici la fel de placute urechilor, muri-le-ar basii si bateria! Daca vrei sa ii opresti definitiv, am gasit solutia: un dock de iPod/iPhone. Nu rade, ca e lata. Si groasa. Si lunga. Si adanca. Behringer a scos pe piata o bestie de 10.000 W. Zece mii de wati! Zece! Mii! Uita-te mai bine in poza. Chestia aia mica si colorata e iPod-ul tau. Atat e de mic, prin raport cu dock-ul. Sau atat de mare e dock-ul, in raport cu el. Cat canapeaua, dupa cum il descriu cei de la Behringer.
Toata constructia seamana mai degraba cu un monolit din "Odiseea spatiala 2001", dar orice maimuta s-ar apropia de dihania asta ar naparli brusc atunci cand vei da sonorul la maximum.
Sa revenim la numarul de wati? Nu. O sa-ti spunem greutatea: 317 kg. Pentru ca acolo sta puterea watilor, in kilele de difuzoare. Altfel, ca sa ramanem in zona superlativelor absolute sa pomenim si de pret: 29.999,99 dolari. Cat un SUV compact. Daca povestea e reala, pe iNuke Boom o sa-l gasesti la CES 2012, intr-o editie limitata (cu un numar inca neprecizat de exemplare), asa ca ai putin timp, cat sa te apuci sa stragi bani. Practic, 3 dolari pentru fiecare watt. Baga!"
Niste specificatii:
- 3 iesiri de sistem stereo cu un total de 10.000 de wati
- 2 subwoofere de 18" de bass
- 2 woofere de 12"
- 2 diafragme de titan de 1.75" care sa sparga toate geamurile
- iNuke mode power boost
- controler-u' de volum merge pana la pozitia 11
- componente de calitate si atent finisate pentru a oferi viata lunga sistemului
- conceput si realizat de Behringer Germania
Later edit
# 2 Tantric - Down & Out
O piesa cu un inceput puternic, si cu un riff care iti ramane mult timp in urechi. Trupa americana a scos aici o piesa geniala post-grunge cu influente de hard rock si alternative metal. O reprezentatie de rezistenta a trupei Tantric. Albumul marcheaza o schimbare in trupa deoarece din veche formula ramane doar vocalul (Hugo Ferreira) care reuseste cu noua componenta sa scoata un album plin de coaie de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Un alt detaliu ar fi ca albumul inintial s-a numit "Tantric III" dupa sablonul Led Zeppelin. Si ca la toate piesele Tantric versurile sunt in numar mare.
I'm comin' up for air so I can
Check myself again and I stand
Proven to the man but sheltered
Confidence we tend to (shove in)
Unexpected hunger traps me
Just shut up and stand beside me
I don't need your understanding
I don't need to change a damn thing
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Just turn the page and watch me grow
There's so many things you don't know about my soul
Live and die but this will not get old
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
Nothing in between to fall through
I'm being myself, who are you?
You stand above and look down
You're just a plagiaristic clown
You suck the life out of me
You keep track of the payee
And when this wealth becomes dry
You'll shed a tear for another lie
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Just turn the page and watch me grow
There's so many things you don't know about my soul
Live and die but this will not get old
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ohhh
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
# 3 Muse - Plug In Baby
Piesa lansata in 2001, de pe albumul "Origin Of Symetry". O piesa clasica de alternative rock; piesa devine cel mai mare hit al trupei pana in 2003 cand este subclasata de o alta piesa exceptionala a trupei "Time Is Running Out". In 2004 riff-ul piesei a fost desemnat ca al 14 cel mai bun riff din toate timpurile. Piesa cuprinde influente de Bach si a fost produsa impreuna cu Dj Shadow.
I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath is no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living
Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
Replace the envying
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
I'm tired of living
And I've seen your loving
But mine is gone
And I've been in trouble
# 4 The Cult - Tiger In The Sun
Facand parte de pe albumul "Born Into This" din 2007, piesa este una mai linistita, in ciuda faptului ca provine de pe un album al unui trupe de hard rock. Acesta a fost anuntat ca fiind ultimul album al trupei, dar se pare ca baietii inca vor sa faca treaba si anul acesta in mai este anuntat sa apara cel de-al noualea album. Membrii trupei, in principal Ian Astbury, au spus ca nu vor mai lansa albume pentru ca deal-urile cu casele de discuri si toata munca aflata in spatele producerii albumelor nu mai sunt profitabile din nici un punct de vedere, asta dupa ce albumul precedent a fost incununat de succes.
We hope for so much more
With your shock and awe
But the writing's on the wall
But we don't hide, we're not your kind
See your golden temple fall
Tiger burning in the sun
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
Yeah the children's flesh for sale
and your tarot hooks
Reach deep with golden claws
The devil
yeah he's not our kind
And this devil in the war
Tiger burning in the sun
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
And we drown
we drown
break down
how long
how alone
how long
how alone
we can have it all
we can have it all
have it all
have it all
Tiger burning in the sun
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
We can have it all
have it all
O piesa cu un inceput puternic, si cu un riff care iti ramane mult timp in urechi. Trupa americana a scos aici o piesa geniala post-grunge cu influente de hard rock si alternative metal. O reprezentatie de rezistenta a trupei Tantric. Albumul marcheaza o schimbare in trupa deoarece din veche formula ramane doar vocalul (Hugo Ferreira) care reuseste cu noua componenta sa scoata un album plin de coaie de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Un alt detaliu ar fi ca albumul inintial s-a numit "Tantric III" dupa sablonul Led Zeppelin. Si ca la toate piesele Tantric versurile sunt in numar mare.
I'm comin' up for air so I can
Check myself again and I stand
Proven to the man but sheltered
Confidence we tend to (shove in)
Unexpected hunger traps me
Just shut up and stand beside me
I don't need your understanding
I don't need to change a damn thing
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Just turn the page and watch me grow
There's so many things you don't know about my soul
Live and die but this will not get old
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
Nothing in between to fall through
I'm being myself, who are you?
You stand above and look down
You're just a plagiaristic clown
You suck the life out of me
You keep track of the payee
And when this wealth becomes dry
You'll shed a tear for another lie
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Just turn the page and watch me grow
There's so many things you don't know about my soul
Live and die but this will not get old
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
And though I'm used to help you here
It does not change the man I was
When you found me and there was no else around me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, ohhh
Just when you think that you're down and out
Don't preconceive what I'm all about
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend that you were not
And when you think that we played it out
We come from the bottom and knock it out
Look for a reason that you have to start
Acting like a friend but you were not, yeah
# 3 Muse - Plug In Baby
Piesa lansata in 2001, de pe albumul "Origin Of Symetry". O piesa clasica de alternative rock; piesa devine cel mai mare hit al trupei pana in 2003 cand este subclasata de o alta piesa exceptionala a trupei "Time Is Running Out". In 2004 riff-ul piesei a fost desemnat ca al 14 cel mai bun riff din toate timpurile. Piesa cuprinde influente de Bach si a fost produsa impreuna cu Dj Shadow.
I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath is no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living
Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
Replace the envying
To forget your love
My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
I'm tired of living
And I've seen your loving
But mine is gone
And I've been in trouble
# 4 The Cult - Tiger In The Sun
Facand parte de pe albumul "Born Into This" din 2007, piesa este una mai linistita, in ciuda faptului ca provine de pe un album al unui trupe de hard rock. Acesta a fost anuntat ca fiind ultimul album al trupei, dar se pare ca baietii inca vor sa faca treaba si anul acesta in mai este anuntat sa apara cel de-al noualea album. Membrii trupei, in principal Ian Astbury, au spus ca nu vor mai lansa albume pentru ca deal-urile cu casele de discuri si toata munca aflata in spatele producerii albumelor nu mai sunt profitabile din nici un punct de vedere, asta dupa ce albumul precedent a fost incununat de succes.
We hope for so much more
With your shock and awe
But the writing's on the wall
But we don't hide, we're not your kind
See your golden temple fall
Tiger burning in the sun
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
Yeah the children's flesh for sale
and your tarot hooks
Reach deep with golden claws
The devil
yeah he's not our kind
And this devil in the war
Tiger burning in the sun
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
And we drown
we drown
break down
how long
how alone
how long
how alone
we can have it all
we can have it all
have it all
have it all
Tiger burning in the sun
Baby I'm the only one
I'm not who they want me to be
Come and take this spell off of me.
We can have it all
have it all
sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012
vineri, 23 martie 2012
miercuri, 21 martie 2012
# 1
Ceea ce va urma este si reprezinta pentru mine (si nu numai) o incercare de a vedea pana unde se poate merge. Am decis ca in fiecare zi sa postez o melodie, o piesa care poate ori m-a marcat pe mine in ziua respectiva, ori este pur si simplu buna. O sa apara aici tot felul de piese, de toate genurile si gusturile, asa ca sper sa iti placa. Daca muzica este leitmotif-ul acestui blog atunci sa curca cu muzica, in fiecare zi:
Praetor - Eu, orasul si castile (feat. Dj. Undoo)
Piesa este inclusa pe albumul "Nomad" lansat de Praetor anul trecut. Pentru cei care inca se intreaba cine este Praetor, va spun eu ca este unul din membrii trupei VeritaSaga - probabil cea mai buna de gen de la noi din tara. Asa ca ce ascultati aici cred ca eu ca este de cea mai buna calitate.
Descrierea pe scurt a piesei creata de Praetor arata si suna cam asa: "Dacă nu ați văzut clipul vă rog să îl priviți în secțiunea video al site-ului. Am scris piesa pentru toți oamenii pe care îi văd pe stradă cu căștile pe sau în urechi încercând să își schimbe starea de spirit ascultând tot ceea îi face să se simtă mai bine sau mai energici. Cred că nu există exemplu mai bun de panaceu universal care îți poate modifica energia ca muzica. Cred că de aceea o iubesc așa de mult și de aceea văd așa de mulți oameni care ascultă muzica pe strada. Oamenii au nevoie de muzică și muzica în sine are nevoie de oameni care cred în ea.
Nu e un secret. Mie imi place orașul în care m-am nascut, am crescut și m-am format ca om. E o odă orașului meu piesa și a celor care îi calcă trotuarele zilnic. Lor de urez multă pace și dragoste!". (Praetor)
Pentru o analiza mai buna a piesei, mai jos aveti si versurile ei:
Timpul alunecă,
Decat privesc,
Ochii imi obosesc
Ma trage de maneca
Un copil si spune:
"Nu vreau sa crezi ca nu tine de el,
Nu tine de tine, nu tine de tel."
Priviri de otel, spinteca
Tot ce-i frumos si pur,
Eu, din exces de zel bag mainile in suflet si fur
Inca o clipa de liniste, e zgomot afara
Inauntru-i intuneric si niste demoni mai vechi
Care intre timp si-au mai gasit perechi
Eu disperat,
Caut ceva sa umple golul dar, pare infinit.
Ajung la o poarta,
Portarul ma-ntreaba:
Ce caut aici de ca-am venit?!
Raspund:Pentru c'am devenit.
Am deviat de la ruta,
Sunt deviant cu sentimente 100 pe secunda
Chiar, ma muta soarta mereu
Si mai face o cuta sub pleoapele mele,
Ce'au obosit sa-ncerce sa tot vada prin nori stele.
Si s-au ascuns o vreme nori de fum, dar dupa ei,
Sunt doar belele si lanturi nevazute si inele
Si cele mai multe din cosmarurile mele.
Nuvele de'o vreme, suflu singur caci vantul a tacut.
Dupa ce furtuna a trecut, parca acum e totul tacit si prefacut.
Implicit sunt mai obosit si nu mai am putere sa ??? cunoscuti
Cu care ieseam in casa zi de zi
Ca sa ma apar de droguri si de stres si..
Acum am ramas doar eu, orasul si castile
Doar eu orasul si castile
(x2)Sunt doar eu, orasul si castile
Si atunci cand ca sa le sparg mastile
Fac parte din gastile, gastile lor
Si cand ma vad ma striga, ma striga, ma striga Praetor
Si tu si eu trecem prin criza,
Inca o repriza ne-asteapta si inc'o remiza
Inc'o alegere si inca unii care vor sa ne lege
Le pare ca suntem copii si vor sa ne lege.
Vine o iarna, iar ma...Si o sa degere multe degete,
Tu de ce te tot miri, nu inteleg?!
De ce te tot uiti la stiri nu inteleg?!
De ce la ochi sa ma leg?!
Anii mei trec, dar aleg sa nu fiu sec
Nu ma simt unul dintre ei, cu ei nu ma intrec,
N'am sa-mi dau sufletul pe un Jack
Aleg sa-mi plang sufletul dupa my check.
Si's multi care judeca,
Un judecator, dar nici unul care'aude ca,
Asta e si asta cu'asta e...
A neamului nostru napasta e...
E clar, inculpatii dispar
De la TV, radio si din ziare.
Eu ma plimb pe strazi cu castile mele,
Te vad pe tine, pe ei, pe ele.
Ma vad zambind din plin
Sub acelasi cer senin,
La stele.
Orasul meu il impart cu cei cu care impart gandurile mele
Avem toti multe belele, ne uitam cand daruim lalele
Celor, ce ne fac zilele usoare din grele.
Acele zile de demult
Cand ma'nvatau s-ascult,
Au apus.
Acum ascult ce vreau in casti si-n plus
Zambesc si iubesc, indiferent de fus.
Pace si dragoste si m-am dus
Pace si dragoste si m-am dus
(x2)Sunt doar eu, orasul si castile
Si atunci cand ca sa le sparg mastile
Fac parte din gastile, gastile lor
Si cand ma vad ma striga, ma striga, ma strïga Praetor
Cam atat in primul episod din "One day - One song". Sper sa va placa piesa, iar pana maine o sa caut la mansarda sa vedem ce mai gasim.
"Pace si dragoste" (Praetor)
duminică, 18 martie 2012
Sunday night
Aseara vorbeam de o lista; iat-o:
1. deep purple - child in time
2. aalyiah - i care 4 u
3. modestep - exile
4. atb - 9 am
5. the mamas and the papas - california dreaming
6. wyclef jean - gone till november
7. the soundtrack of our lives - second life replay
8. ice-t - valuable game
9. taxi - cortina de fier
10. jay-z - song cry
11. akmusique - cafe noir
12. verita saga - nu meriti
13. alannah myles - black velvet
14. rob dougan - nothing at all
15. 2pac - starin' through my rear view
16. red hot chilli peppers - californication
17. mary j. blige - be without you
18. verita saga - aceiasi mereu
19. verita saga - cer senin
20. verita saga - si gata
21. queens of dogtown - i remember you
22. vama veche - hotel cismigiu
23. marcelo d2 & claudia - desabafao deixa eu dizer
24. rammstein - fruhling in paris
25. ellie goulding - under the sheets
26. sean paul - international affair
27. rob dougan - i'm not driving anymore
28. atb - marrakesh
29. aalyiah - miss you
30. schiller - i've seen it all
31. lalo project feat. aelyn - listen to me,looking at me
32. slash ft. myles kennedy - starlight
33. verita saga - spune-mi
34. bitza - vorbeste vinul
35. chris rea - the road to hell part 2
36. rob dougan - speed me towards death
37. verita saga - ce e frica
38. motley crue - if i die tomorrow
39. schiller - leben... i feel you
40. alter bridge - shed my skin
41. reamonn - supergirl
42. atb - black nights
43. 2pac - keep ya head up
44. slash ft myles kennedy - fall to pieces
45. tommy lee - home sweet home
46. boston - more than a feeling
47. verita saga - imnul verita saga
48. verita saga - multe
49. rod stewart - human
50. mandalay - beautiful
51. vama - cantec de gasit
52. atb - dooley's world
53. verita saga - oglinda care minte
54. scooter - ramp! the logical song
55. michael jackson - give in to me
1. deep purple - child in time
2. aalyiah - i care 4 u
3. modestep - exile
4. atb - 9 am
5. the mamas and the papas - california dreaming
6. wyclef jean - gone till november
7. the soundtrack of our lives - second life replay
8. ice-t - valuable game
9. taxi - cortina de fier
10. jay-z - song cry
11. akmusique - cafe noir
12. verita saga - nu meriti
13. alannah myles - black velvet
14. rob dougan - nothing at all
15. 2pac - starin' through my rear view
16. red hot chilli peppers - californication
17. mary j. blige - be without you
18. verita saga - aceiasi mereu
19. verita saga - cer senin
20. verita saga - si gata
21. queens of dogtown - i remember you
22. vama veche - hotel cismigiu
23. marcelo d2 & claudia - desabafao deixa eu dizer
24. rammstein - fruhling in paris
25. ellie goulding - under the sheets
26. sean paul - international affair
27. rob dougan - i'm not driving anymore
28. atb - marrakesh
29. aalyiah - miss you
30. schiller - i've seen it all
31. lalo project feat. aelyn - listen to me,looking at me
32. slash ft. myles kennedy - starlight
33. verita saga - spune-mi
34. bitza - vorbeste vinul
35. chris rea - the road to hell part 2
36. rob dougan - speed me towards death
37. verita saga - ce e frica
38. motley crue - if i die tomorrow
39. schiller - leben... i feel you
40. alter bridge - shed my skin
41. reamonn - supergirl
42. atb - black nights
43. 2pac - keep ya head up
44. slash ft myles kennedy - fall to pieces
45. tommy lee - home sweet home
46. boston - more than a feeling
47. verita saga - imnul verita saga
48. verita saga - multe
49. rod stewart - human
50. mandalay - beautiful
51. vama - cantec de gasit
52. atb - dooley's world
53. verita saga - oglinda care minte
54. scooter - ramp! the logical song
55. michael jackson - give in to me
Long road out of Eden
Acum trebuie sa ma laud si eu ca am facut o investitie de cea mai buna calitate, si anume mi-am achizitionat cel de-al saptelea album The Eagles, si primul dupa era '70, ai anume, "Long road out of Eden". A fost primul album pe care eu l-am ascultat cand am venit in Sibiu acum 4 ani si l-am vanat multa vreme. Este un album in dublu disc, care cuprinde 90 de minute de muzica rock, country rock de cea mai buna calitate pe care California o putea da. Albumul a fost lansat in 2007, dar pana sa ajunga la urechile noastre i-a trebuit mult, respectiv vreo 5 ani. Trupa nu a mai scos nici un album din '79 pana la acesta; dar a revenit cu un dublu disc de exceptie de care este cel mai bine sa te bucuri intr-o zi de weekend, de preferabil duminica, stand pe prispa casei cu un pahar de Shiraz si un Camel, sau la bordul unui grand turismo de preferabil cabrio, la viteza de croaziera, cu o fata frumoasa in dreapta nepasandu-ti de nimic si meditand la vremurile de alta data. De asemenea te poti bucura de suntele calde ale Californiei si stand comod acasa intr-un fotoliu cu nelipsitul pahar de licoare fina si o tigara. Sau poate ai chef sa dansezi cu prietena ta pe fiecare piesa in parte din cele 20 de track-uri bine alese interpretate de mai mult de 20 de muzicieni. Oricare din cele 3 variante ai alege experienta e unica si nu se poate repeta decat intr-o zi ca aceasta. Nu ai mai ascultat si experimentat asa ceva si nu exista termen de comparatie.
Mie The Eagles imi aduce intotdeauna aminte de vremurile copilariei cand ai mei se iubeau pe The Eagles. Poate am luat si eu ceva din microbul lor. Dar e un microb bun, al dracu de bun, de care nu as vrea sa scap in nici o duminica insorita din cate zilei voi mai avea, toate petrecute de preferabil langa cea care imi face ziua mai buna decat orice, indiferent de cat de neagra a fost ea.
Momentan nu ascult albumul ca alte dati. Am dat un shuffle intr-o selectie de piese de duminica seara pentru cei care nu trebuie sa se trezeasca luni sa mearga la servici. Si nu uita ca viata e muzica, deci nu alege sa fii surd!
Disc one
1. No More Walks in the Wood
2. How Long
3. Busy Being Fabulous
4. What Do I Do with My Heart
5. Guilty of the Crime
6. I Don't Want to Hear Any More
7. Waiting in the Weeds
8. No More Cloudy Days
9. Fast Company
10. Do Something
11. You Are Not Alone
Disc two
1. Long Road Out of Eden
2. I Dreamed There Was No War
3. Somebody
4. Frail Grasp on the Big Picture
5. Last Good Time in Town
6. I Love to Watch a Woman Dance
7. Business as Usual
8. Center of the Universe
9. It's Your World Now
joi, 19 ianuarie 2012
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Na, fi atent ca postez pe blog de pe telefon. Nu credeam ca ajung aici. Degeaba, ne bate tehnologia. Pam pam 8-)
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