miercuri, 18 aprilie 2012
# 15
Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit
Ultimul single lansat de pe cel de-al doilea album, "Meteora" (2003). Piesa si trupa in acelasi timp, au ajuns foarte sus in topuri, fiind al cincilea single consecutiv care urca pe prima pozitie in "Billboard Modern Rock Tracks", un lucru care nu a mai fost realizat de nici un artist in istoria acestui clasament. De asemenea a fost cel de-al treilea single de pe album care ajungea pe pozitia intai in "Mainstream Rock Track", si pe locul 20 in "Billboard Hot 100". Piesa a fost dezvoltata in urma cu 5-6 ani de aparitia albumului. Cam atat i-a trebuit lui Mike Shinoda sa scoata un asemenea hit. Intr-adevar o mare piesa. Si videoclipul piesei este unul inedit acesta fiind animat.
Memories consume like opening the wounds
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more than any time before
I have no options left again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
I'll paint it on the walls
'cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012
# 14
Muse - Exo-politics
Nu ma pot abtine sa nu postez inca o piesa de la Muse in atat de scurt timp. Daca tot ma innebuneste piesa asta de cateva ore bune incoace, sa va innebuneasca si pe voi. Dupa parerea mea, o piesa care se apropie foarte mult de un hard rock, piesa provenind de la o trupa de alternative. Provenita de pe "Black Holes And Revelations" din 2006, pot zice ca tine cu succes piept mai comercialei "Starlight". Si ma abtin tare tare sa nu zic ceva si de "Nights Of Cydonia". Altceva legat de piesa: imi place numele ei de mor, si cred ca se potriveste foarte bine mesajul ei nu doar cu starea natiunii la momentul actual, ci si cu starea globala in momentul de fata si nu numai.
Open the skies over me,
I am waiting patiently,
I'll wait for a sign.
As conspiracies unwind,
Will you slam shut,
Or free your mind,
or stay hypnotised.
When the Zetas fill the skies,
Will our leaders tell us why,
Fully loaded satellites,
will conquer nothing but our minds.
And I've waited patiently,
And I'll wait for the sign.
Carried through the centuries,
Secrets locked up,
And loaded on my back,
when it weighs me down.
When the Zetas fill the skies,
It's just our leaders in disguise,
Fully loaded satellites,
will conquer nothing but our minds.
And I am waiting patiently,
And I'll wait for the sign. (Yeah).
And I'm waiting patiently,
I'll wait for the sign
vineri, 13 aprilie 2012
Cantiones profanae
Azi nu vreau sa scriu despre o piesa anume, ci despre un intreg album, daca album se poate numi. Este vorba despre o opera, si anume "Carmina Burana", de Carl Orff, pe numele ei intreg "Carmina Burana: Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis". Nu stiu cati dintre voi cunoasteti latina atat de bine, dar traducerea in engleza ar suna cam asa: "Songs of Beuern: Secular songs for singers and choruses to be sung together with instruments and magic images". Si pentru cei care nu cunosc nici limba engleza: Cantece din Beuern: Cantece vechi pentru solisti si coruri cantate alaturi de instrumente si imagini magice. Beuern este de fapt prescurtarea de la Benediktbeuern (locul de provenienta al operei originale), o localitate din Bavaria, Germania chiar la granita cu Austria. "Carmina Burana" face de fapt parte dintr-o colectie de 3 opere, pe langa aceasta numarandu-se "Catulli Carmina" si "Trionfo de Afrodite". Cea mai cunoscuta parte a operei este "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: O Furtuna". La noi o auzim pe la fest-urile medievale, care numai medievale nu sunt, de multe ori confundandu-se cu un remix marca Enigma, care este destul de popular de altfel. Am avut ocazia sa vad live intreaga opera interpretata de Filarmonica de stat Sibiu anul trecut in Piata Mare si pot zice ca mi s-a ridicat parul de pe mana si de pe tot corpul de altfel. O excelenta punere in scena alaturi de efecte de laser si foc. Opera a fost scrisa in 1935-1936, iar prima reprezentatie a avut-o la Frankfurt in 1937. Carl Orff declara atunci ca opera, activitatea lui muzicala de-abia acum incepe. Contine foarte multe influente ale renasterii si barocului; o treaba pe care multi nu o stiu este ca majoritatea lucrurilor pe care noi le consideram de ev mediu ca si datare, sunt de fapt din perioada renascentista sau baroca. Opera are la baza un manuscris datat la 1230 intitulat "Carmina Burana". Deci de aici prezenta stilului gotic atat de puternica. La aceasta s-au adaugat inca catva pagini in secolul 14, "Codex Buranus". Intreaga lucrare poate fi structura dupa cum urmeaza:
- 55 de piese de morala si batjocura;
- 131 de piese de dragoste;
- 40 de piese de baut si jucat; si
- 2 piese spiritual teatrale mai lungi.
Acesta este intregul cuprins al lucrarii.
Mai mult de atat nu am ce spune decat sa va las sa va delectati cu un concert intreg:
Si daca chiar vreti sa gustati aceasta opera pe de-a-ntregu', eu am gasit pe net pe un nene care a postat si o traducere in romana pe care o puteti gasi aici.
miercuri, 11 aprilie 2012
# 13
Gregory Alan Isakov - If I Go, I'm Goin'
Pentru magica cifra 13, am ales la intamplare o piesa din calculator. Rezultatul este "If I Go, I'm Goin'" de la Gregory Alan Isakov. Tipul s-a nascut in Africa de Sud, dar a traiat in Philadelphia si s-a mutat in colorado. A cantat cu multi artisti de care eu personal nu am auzit, a avut si ceva reprezentatii pe la ceva fest-uri de muzica folk prin Colorado si nu numai, si pe langa piesa asta care a devenit celebra din serialul "Californication", a mai scos o piesa a care a aparut intr-o campanie publicitara de Craciun marca McDonald's. Discografia lui cuprinde 4 albume in momentul de fata, iar piesa pe care eu am ales-o pentru acest post imi place. E o piesa trista dar poate gaseste pe cineva in postura necesara transpunerii in versurile sale.
This house
She's holding secrets
I got my change behind the bed
In a coffee can,
I throw my nickels in
Just in case I have to leave
And I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go I'm goin shameless
I'll let my hunger take me there
This house
She's quite the talker
She creeks and moans
She keeps me up
And the photographs
Know I'm a liar
They just laugh as I burn her down
And I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go I'm goin on fire
Let my anger take me there
The shingles man they're shaking
The back door's burning through
This house she's quite the keeper
Quite the keeper of you
I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go, I'm goin crazy
I'll let my darlin take me there
marți, 10 aprilie 2012
# 12
30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth
Astazi la "One day - One song" avem o trupa de alternative (30 Seconds To Mars) si o piesa care aduce a cadere libera din orice (Edge Of The Earth). Chiar daca ascult Alannah Myles de 2 zile incoace, 30 Seconds To Mars este pentru mine descrierea perfecta a zilei. O piesa perfect construita care dupa ce va fi audiata nu cred ca mai are nevoie de alte descrieri, iar versurile vorbesc de la sine.
You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Dive into the center of fate
Walk right in the sight of a gun
Look into the new future's face
I know you know enough to say
I know you know enough to play a game
You wanna be the one in control
You wanna be the one who's alive
You wanna be the one who gets old
It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time
[Chorus x3]
(Stand out on the edge of the earth)
Stand out on the edge of the earth
Stand out on the edge of the earth
(Look into the new future's face)
sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012
# 11
Alter Bridge - I Know It Hurts
Inainte dar si dupa ce l-am vazut live in actiune pe Myles Kennedy, voacalistul trupei Aler Bridge, cantand cu Slash la Nova Rock 2010 parul de pe mana si de pe corp a devenit brusc erect, iar sufletul si creierul meu deopotriva au avut un orgasm instantaneu. Alter Bridge pentru mine a devenit the ultimate rock'n'roll band. Americanii au luat-o incet si au ajuns la cel de-al treilea album, intitulat "AB III". Vreau sa precizez ca la mine cand ruleaza albumul asta, ruleaza in varianta deluxe, si anume "AB III.5" Daca nu ati auzit de Alter Bridge sigur ati auzit de Creed, trupa de la care a pornit nucleul actualei trupe. Eu am mai scris aici o recenzie despre albumul "AB III" pe vremea aceea nefiind prezent si in varianta deluxe, dar piesa aceasta este prezenta si pe varianta normala de album, deci nu o sa mai dau detalii despre ea. De precizat ar mai fi doar faptul ca pe masura ce se lanseaza albume devin mai negre, mai dark daca vreti, iar asta e bine, suna mai bine, Myles Kennedy este implicat mai mult in compunerea si scrierea pieselor, iar Myles Kennedy ruleaza; nu degeaba a vrut sa il ia Slash la Velvet Revolver. Dar pana la urma ma bucur ca nu s-a intamplat asa pentru ca rezultatul este dublu. Myles este in continuare prezent la Alter Bridge, iar Slash va lansa un nou album luna viitoare cu nimeni altul decat Myles. Deci cred ca e mai bine asa. In alta ordine de idei piesa aleasa de mine azi este una care are ceva vesel in ea dar cu versuri destul de negre. Mai jos este si o reprezentatie live de exceptie de pe dvd-ul "Live At Wembley" cu aceasta piesa, care de-abia astept sa apara sa il vad. Deci, auditie placuta!
And you say this ain’t living
You say you can’t go on
Only take as you’re given
Now your hope is all but gone
Though you lost your way (now is not forever)
But I know your pain
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
And the tide’s only rising
The storm is on it’s way… yeah
But you can’t keep on fighting
So bitter worn and so afraid
Though it’s sad and wrong
I hope you will remember
You must carry on
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
There’s still tomorrow
Hold on hold on
There’s still tomorrow
Just wait just wait
There’s still tomorrow
Hold on [x2]
We all fall sometimes you’re not the first
But I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
In the end you’ll find what you deserve
Still I know it hurts
Yeah I know it hurts
joi, 5 aprilie 2012
# 10
Bullet For My Valentine - Your Betrayal
Avand in vedere ca piesa asta mai nou ma trezeste dimineata, iar saptamana asta m-a tradat de 2 ori -"Your Betrayal".
O piesa metalcore, compusa de Matt Tuck, vocalistul trupei si lansata ca prim single in U.S. de pe cel de-al treilea album semnat Bullet For My Valentine, "Fever" din 2010. Inceputul piesei este cel care zdrobeste tot; riff-urile chitarilor acompaniaza si dubleaza cu succes bataia de la tobe, iar in plus de asta bridge-ul din ultima treime a piesei este genial. O structura muzicala tot mai prezenta pe al doilea si respectiv cel de-al treilea album BFMV. Piesa are parte de un clip simplu, cu baietii cantand intr-un prim plan si cu niste fete si ceva foc in plan secundar. Pretty simple and cool. Piesa a avut parte de o promovare mai aparte aparand si pe coloana sonora de prezentare intr-o reclama a filmului "Salt". Din nou Angelina Jolie; pam pam!
Am I going insane (insane)
My blood is boiling inside of my veins
An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks)
My body shaking there’s no turning back
Don't take your eyes off the trigger
I’m not to blame if your world turns to black
as your eyes start to blister
There's just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I’m in your head
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
Is it my turn to die?
My heart is pounding as I say goodbye
So now I dance in the flames
I love you crying and screaming my name
You said that we’d be forever
How could you kill me and lie to my face
Now that we can’t be together
There’s just no hope for our final embrace
So here we are, I’m in your head
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
Soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
So here we are (so here we are, I’m in your head
(I’m in your head)
I’m in your heart!!!
You were told to run away
soak the place and light the flame
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!!
I was told to stay away
Those two words I can’t obey
Pay the price for your betrayal
Your betrayal!!
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