duminică, 30 noiembrie 2014

As the candle dwindles and flickers out. The end

Everybody hurts
Everybody bleeds
Everybody bends to fill a need
Everybody's born with their own curse
And I'm not alone

Everybody cries
Everybody breaths
Everybody wants to feel they're free
Deep inside I know what I am worth
A life of my own

Everybody pains
Everybody grieves
Everybody's making off like thieves
Every soul's aching for release
You're not alone

Everybody lives
Everybody leaves
Everybody begs best on their knees
Everybody's got the same disease
No one's alone

It could have been much worse
But it should have been better

I know I'd hurt you, deserted you
And now I see it clear
I pulled you closer, tighter
'Cause I knew you'd disappear

I just can't compromise, apologize
There's nothing you can say
We both knew
It would always end this way

Looking back I still have so many questions
So many things unanswered
Like what did I do?
What could I do?
Was there ever a moment you cared?

Was I always ugly and abandoned
Remembering all the times you wished me harm
You wished me dead
How could I have changed to make it better?
And would I?
Would I?

I still feel so much hate inside of me
Seems like you were just waiting for me to fail
I'm sorry I can't forgive you
Do you blame me?
You never forgave me

I've tried to grow from this
Every day is a new challenge
Because with you there's just no winning
Like it or not I'm still a part of you
And you're still a part of me

Like it or not you're still a part of me

So this is how it ends
All the tears, all the blood
It's all been for nothing
As the candle dwindles and flickers out
The end

marți, 18 noiembrie 2014

... forever and ever...

Zilele trecute am asistat la un moment la care multi dintre noi nu mai sperau sub nici o forma. S-a speculat mult timp pe tema acestui subiect, iar cei mai multi dintre noi nu vedeau a fi posibil asa ceva. Dar, dupa ce anul acesta, a fost lansat un videoclip la piesa "Marooned", parca un licar de speranta mai exista undeva. Mai ales ca piesa a beneficiat de un videoclip abia dupa 20 de ani de la lansarea ei, o data cu albumul "Division Bell" din 1994. E, si iata ca dupa 20 de ani, ca si titlul romanului lui Alexandre Dumas, apare mult asteptatul album semnat Pink Floyd - The Endless River. Dupa cum spuneam, un album care, putini dintre noi sperau sa mai aiba ocazia de al asculta. Si totusi, el a venit; a sosit oficial intr-o data de 10 noiembrie, sau in cazul meu, pe 9 noiembrie, pentru ca I know people who know people. Un album aparent instrumental, dar care vorbeste mai mult decat am crede, fara ajutorul versurilor. Albumul are 18 piese si este impartit in 4 parti. Un lucru tipic Pink Floyd. Practic este vorba de 53 de minute de liniste care vorbeste mai tare decat vorbele. O liniste formata din iarba mai verde, lumina mai stralucitoare, gust mai dulce, nopti uimitoare, de prieteni in jur, ceata zorilor stralucitoare, apa care curge si nu in ultimul rand de un rau infinit. Un album meditativ, in dulcele stil al lui Richard Wright si al lui David Gilmour. Acest ultim album Pink Floyd este foarte strans legat de albumul "Division Bell". Pare a fi o continuare a acestuia, respectiv o completare a acestuia, mai ales ca majoritatea pieselor au fost scrise in aceeasi perioada de inceput a anilor '90, respectiv 1993. Este un album pe care trebuie sa il asculti de la cap la coada, de mai multe ori; este un album pe care ca sa-l intelegi trebuie sa intelegei si sa cunosti mai toata discografia acestor oameni. Inedit la acest album, ca si la ultimele albume semnate Pink Floyd, este faptul ca o parte din el a fost inregistrat la Astoria Studio. Probabil ca nu va suna nimic interesant pana aici, doar ca, Astoria Studio, e de fapt un vas, un vas construit pentru a fi locuit si nu pentru a naviga cu el. Vasul a fost construit in 1911 pentru Fred Karno intr-o maniera speciala, pentru ca pe punte exista un spatiu pentru o intreaga orchestra de 90 de instrumentisti. David Gilmour a cumparat vasul in 1986 si a construit un studio in interiorul lui. Studioul a fost folosit pentru a inregistra piese de pe albume ca "A Momentary Lapse of Reason", "Division Bell", " On an Island" si binenteles "The Endless River". Probabil ca multi nu simt influenta acestui studio in inregistrarea albumului, dar mie imi place sa cred ca "Astoria" a avut un rol important de jucat in muzica Pink Floyd. Un album filosofic, simplu in acelasi timp, un album ambiental care poate deveni un soundtrack perfect, un album de progresive rock, un album cu blues, un album psyhedelic, un album Pink Floyd.

joi, 6 noiembrie 2014

Come clarity

Rushing through 30, getting older every day...
By two, drawing pictures of innocent times,
Can you add... colour... inside these lines?!?!

Sure, if we change our perspective...
I'm certain, I would change today,
I'm certain, it will change our ways
Would things fall into place?

I want you to lead me,
Take me somewhere...
Don’t want to live in a dream one more day!!!