miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010

My murder face!!!!!

Cea mai noua piesa inregistrata de trupa a iesit zilele astea din calculatoare si mixaje. Piesa o puteti audia pe pagina de myspace, adica aici: http://www.myspace.com/heavydutysibiu
alaturi de care puteti viziona si varianta live a piesei, din concertul din data de 29 aprilie 2010 din Bohemian Flow Art & Pub Sibiu. Eveniment de la care mai puteti vizualiza si galeria foto atasata tot aici: http://www.myspace.com/heavydutysibiu/photos/albums/100429-bohemia-flow/1388787

"Face Of Murder" este ultima piesa din seria celor 3 piese inregistrate stabilite ca obiectiv de trupa pentru anul acesta. In piesa mai gasiti si ceva sange, demoni, vampiri, si alte lucruri din aceasta categorie, dar va las pe voi sa descoperiti singuri misterul fetei de ucigas:

From dusk `till dawn I wander
On darkest streets
In search for answers regarding
My blackened past

There`s no return, she told me
Even if you die
So I went on seeking
My second life


With broken heart and regrets
I search my path in loneliness
To find the answer to my quest
Is this, my murder face?

My steps guide me in the shadows
Where I belong
To watch the victim`s breath
Long way gone

She stares at me in horror
And begs for life
I can`t control the power
Of a deadliest rush


From the rusted casket is rising
My perfect love
Divine creature that`s screaming
For a taste of blood

Now we are two that wander
The human`s world
In search for answers regarding
Our blackened past



Si pana data viitoare la o noua intalnire, va asteptam pe toti la concert, joi 30 septembrie 2010, ora 20:30, in Bohemian Flow Art & Pub, intrare 10 lei. So, be there to metal the basement! http://www.myspace.com/heavydutysibiu/photos/25501857

marți, 28 septembrie 2010

Album of the week # 8

Heavy Duty 2010

In aceasta saptamana un album mai putin convetional, in ideea ca se departeaza de ideea de pana acum a rubricii "Album of the week".

Trupa Heavy Duty a luat nastere in Sibiu, in anul de gratie pentru acest oras, 2007, cu niste baieti care porneau la drum cu ideea unei trupe de garaj. Mai mult sau mai putin, trupa si-a cam pastrat ideea initiala, si chiar daca a trecut prin ceva schimbari de componenta, din decembrie 2009, trupa este alcatuita din Volvo (voice and guitars), Andrei (guitars), Marius (bass), si Ove (drums).

Trupa abordeaza un gen muzical destul de bine dezoltat in ultimii ani in spatiul european, un metal cu multe influente de thrash, death si metalcore, fiind influentata de trupe ca Metallica, Black Label Society, Machine Head, Death, Devil Driver, Volbeat, All That Remains, Rammstein, si altele.

De-a lungul a celor 3 ani de activitate, trupa a reusit sa sustina cateva concerte, mai mult prin orasul de bastina dar si prin Transilvania.

Pana in momentul de fata trupa a reusit sa compuna 7 piese proprii, compozitii a tuturor membrilor trupei; 3 dintre piese se pot gasi si pe site-ul de myspace al trupei impreuna cu cateva inregistrari video de la concerte de anul acesta: www.myspace.com/heavydutysibiu

Cele 3 piese sunt: "Face Of Murder", piesa si cea mai nou inregistrata, dar si nu cea mai noua creatie a trupei, "Hunting Ghosts", care reprezinta o piesa de rezistenta a repertoriului trupei, si "Angry Again", o piesa realizata dupa niste idei mai vechi transpusa pentru vremurile de acum. Toate cele 3 piese pot fi urmarite live si pe canalul de youtube al trupei: www.youtube.com/user/heavydutysibiu

Trupa sibiana este pe cale sa inceapa si un turneu toamna aceasta, care probabil va avea ca punct de plecare concertul din 30 septembrie din Bohemian Flow Art & Pub, in deschiderea trupei Bolthard din Bucuresti.
Dintre locatiile preconizate pentru acest turneu in cel mai probabil mod o sa faca parte orase ca: Tg. Mures, Toplita, Deva, Alba Iulia, Brasov, Sibiu, si probabil si altele.

Enjoy sau ca sa zic mai bine, "Rock the rebel, metal the devil"! \m/

P.S.: E fain al dracu sa te prinda politia in timp ce pui afise in oras cu concertul urmator. Bine macar ca am scapat doar cu o avertizare si nu am luat amenda. Baietii au fost vigilenti, iar pe camera se vede foarte frumos totul. Macar au fost baieti gigei si nu ne-au dat amenda. Ne vedem la concert!

luni, 27 septembrie 2010

Heavy Duty in concert!

Concert HEAVY DUTY si Bolthard, Joi, 30 Septembrie 2010, Ora 20:30 in Bohemian Flow Art & Pub, Piata Mica, Nr. 26, Sibiu, pret:10 lei. Be there to metal the basement!

sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

Album of the weekEND # 7

30 Seconds To Mars - This Is War 2009

30 Seconds to Mars is an American rock band from Los Angeles, formed in 1998. Since 2007, the band has been composed of actor Jared Leto (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, songwriter), Shannon Leto (drums, percussion) and Tomo Miličević (lead guitar, keyboards). Following the departure of Matt Wachter (now of Angels & Airwaves) in 2007, Tim Kelleher became the bassist for the group, performing live only with both Jared and Miličević recording bass for studio recordings, while Braxton Olita (keyboards) was added to the touring lineup in 2009. Previously, the group also featured guitarists Solon Bixler (now of Great Northern) and Kevin Drake.
To date, 30 Seconds to Mars have released three studio albums – 30 Seconds to Mars (2002); A Beautiful Lie (2005); This Is War (2009) and two extended plays – AOL Sessions Undercover (2007) and To the Edge of the Earth (2008).
A Beautiful Lie earned the group a number of awards and nominations, winning three MTV Europe Music Awards and four Kerrang! Awards among others.

This Is War is the third studio album by American rock band 30 Seconds to Mars, released through Virgin Records and EMI on December 8, 2009. It peaked at number 18 on the Billboard 200.

In the February 11 issue of Kerrang! magazine, the working title for the new album was revealed as This Is War.
Jared released a small amount of information about his trip to Hawaii, and recorded a song called "Hurricane" with Kanye West.
On April 28, they returned from EMI and the lawsuit was annulled.
Soon after the announcement of the lawsuit settlement, Jared and 30 Seconds To Mars told MTV News that their third album had had its release date pushed back from April 2009 to some time in September 2009. Although the released dates were changed many times, 30 Seconds to Mars released This Is War on December 8, 2009.
On February 19, 2010, 30 Seconds to Mars began their worldwide Into the Wild Tour in Nottingham to support This Is War. The tour has 7 legs that will end on 18 December 2010. They are also scheduled to appear at the 2010 MTV VMAs on September 12, 2010.


> Escape
> Night Of The Hunter
> Kings And Queens
> This Is War
> 100 Suns
> Hurricane
> Closer To The Edge
> A Call To Arms
> Search And Destroy
> Alibi
> Stranger In A Strange Land
> Equinox
> Night Of The Hunter


P.S.: Some of the songs from tracklisting may not corespund with wikipedia sources of data.

duminică, 19 septembrie 2010


FAUST după Goethe.

Regizor : Silviu Purcărete

Ilie Gheorghe (Faust), Ofelia Popii (Mefisto)

Cu: Johanna Adam, Maria Anuşcă, Enikő Blénessy, Emoke Boldizsar, Lerida Buchholtzer, Irina Deak, Diana Fufezan, Laura Ilea, Dana Maria Lăzărescu, Rodica Mărgărit, Gabriela Neagu, Renate Muller Nica, Veronica Popescu, Eleonora Poşircă, Mariana Presecan, Cristina Ragos, Cristina Stoleriu, Dana Taloş, Codruţa Vasiu, Ema Veţean, Mihai Coman, Florin Coşuleţ, Ali Deac, Dan Glasu, Tomohiko Kogi, Adrian Matioc, Adrian Neacşu, Cătălin Neghină, Eduard Pătraşcu, Cătălin Pătru, Doru Presecan, Viorel Raţă, Vlad Robaş, Bogdan Sărătean, Ciprian Scurtea, Cristian Stanca, Pali Vecsei, Liviu Vlad, Steve Walter

Absolvenţii Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, Secţia Actorie: Dana Anghel, Simina Contraş, Teodora Domnariu, Lorelei Gazawi, Bianca Goadă, Emilia Iancu, Alina Irom, Iulia Merca, Florentina Neagu, Romina Stroia, Andreea Şoaică, Doriana Tăut, Gabriela Tică, Arina Trif, Codruţa Varadi, Liviu Bledea, Cătălin Grigoraş, Alexandru Verzescu, Laurenţiu Vlad

Studenţii Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, Secţia Actorie: Iulia Mihaela Grigore, Laura Luca, Ilinca Mateescu, Diana Sofia Murăruş, Alexandra Petrasciuc, Iulia Popa, Mihai Alexandru, Veronica Arizancu, Anca Pitaru, Alexandru Curta, Alexandru Malaicu

Margareta: Tania Anastasof, Medeea Dobrotă, Doris Faff, Astrid Hermann, Irina Mihai, Aneea Opriş, Ana Maria Telebuş

Imperium Band: Dorin Pitariu (chitară), Călin Filip (bass), Lucian Fabro (percuţie), Ciprian Oancea (claviaturi).

După ce a montat numeroase spectacole la unele dintre cele mai prestigioase teatre din Europa, inclusiv la Royal Shakespeare Company, Silviu Purcărete a realizat la Sibiu „Faust" - un spectacol excepţional prin viziunea regizorală şi complexitatea rolurilor prezentate în construcţia barocă stăpânită până la cele mai mici şi grăitoare detalii: decor şi light design de o impresionantă forţă evocatoare, costume provocator sugestive, elegante sau burleşti, muzică antrenantă sau copleşitoare cu efecte sonore adecvate acelei ambianţe funambuleşti, proiecţii video ingenios şi convingător articulate în arhitectura întregului demers scenic.

Proiectul este realizat de Teatrul Naţional „Radu Stanca" Sibiu şi este finanţat de Ministerul Culturii şi Cultelor, de Consiliul Local Sibiu pentru programul Sibiu - Capitală Culturală Europeană 2007

Cu sprijinul Programului Culture 2000.

Am fost in sfarsit la Faust. A fost incredibil. Mai multe nu stiu ce sa iti zic, mai bine mergi la spectacol sa vezi cu ochii tai, asa e cel mai bine, pentru ca eu unul nu am cuvinte sa descriu ce a fost acolo. Pot spune cu certitudine doar ca aplauzele de la sfarsitul piesei au durat 7 minute, cronometrat. Asta iti poate spune destule, iar daca esti fascinat de conflictul bine-rau, rai-iad,etc., si daca stii sa gusti un eveniment cultural de mare calitate, te invit sa mergi la Faust, o sa-ti placa la nebunie, si nu o sa te plictisesti nici macar o secunda, nici macar cand trebuie sa te deplasezi in spatele scenei pentru a vedea cum este in infern, si sa simti focul iadului pe pielea ta. E mai mult decat o experienta 3-D. Mai ai timp azi pana deseara sa-ti procuri bilete.


P.S.: Felicitari actorilor si echipei intregi!!!

miercuri, 15 septembrie 2010

Album of the week # 6

Deftones - Diamond Eyes 2010

Deftones is an American rock band from Sacramento, California, formed in 1988 consisting of Chino Moreno (lead vocals and guitar), Stephen Carpenter (guitar), Chi Cheng (bass), Frank Delgado (keyboards and turntables), and Abe Cunningham (drums and percussion). They have released six albums to date, with their most recent Diamond Eyes in spring of 2010.

Diamond Eyes is the sixth album by American rock band Deftones, released worldwide on May 4, 2010 through Warner Bros. and Reprise Records. An album tentatively titled Eros was originally intended to be their sixth full-length release and follow up to Saturday Night Wrist (2006), but was not released due to bassist Chi Cheng entering a coma after a serious car accident that occurred in November 2008. The release of Eros was put on hold in favor of Diamond Eyes in June 2009. Former Quicksand bass player, Sergio Vega is featured on the album in substitution for Cheng.
Diamond Eyes was a critical and commercial success; obtaining a normalized score of 78 on review aggregator Metacritic, while achieving top 20 chartings on the Billboard 200, UK Albums Chart, and German Albums Chart.

Deftones released their sixth album, Diamond Eyes on May 4, 2010. The release of it was pushed forward from the initially reported May 18 release date, most likely due to the entire album having been leaked onto the Internet in March 2010. On February 23, 2010, the album's first single "Rocket Skates" was available for free download at www.gunsrazorsknives.com.
The album was produced by Nick Raskulinecz. Former Quicksand bassist, Sergio Vega, plays bass on the album, substituting for ailing bassist Chi Cheng.
Deftones have been confirmed to play Download Festival in 2010 in an announcement made via the official Download Festival website on January, 25th 2010. They are also confirmed to play Rock on the Range 2010 (May 22 and 23) and Vive Latino 2010 (April 24). They also played a one-off London show on May 12.
Deftones released the official music video for the album's first single, "Rocket Skates", on March 10.
On March 15, Deftones debuted their first radio-ready single "Diamond Eyes". Both "Diamond Eyes" and "Rocket Skates" received very positive reviews from fans and critics alike, many making comparisons of the two singles' style and sound to that of material from their album Around the Fur.
Deftones released the official music video for the album's second single, "Diamond Eyes", on April 13.
Deftones are mapping out more US headlining tour dates prior to their joint outing with Mastodon and Alice in Chains this fall on the BLACKDIAMONDSKYE tour; The band’s newly announced dates will begin in on the West Coast in California in August and will take the band across the Midwest through the Southeast. The tour kicks off in Ventura, CA on August 6 and wraps up in Cleveland on September 14.
Teaming up with bands Mastodon and Alice in Chains, Deftones will be going on tour fall 2010 in the United States and Canada. The tour is called Blackdiamondskye, a portmanteau of the three bands' latest albums (Black Gives Way to Blue, Diamond Eyes, and Crack the Skye). There is currently a petition on Australian website Dripping Acid Airwaves to bring Deftones and the Blackdiamondskye tour to Australia and NZ. The site also features the 'Put On Your Goggles' mash-up promo video for the tour which has received extensive play on YouTube.

Track listing:

> Diamond Eyes
> Royal
> You`ve Seen The Butcher
> Beauty School
> Prince
> Rocket Skates
> Sextape
> Risk
> 976 - EVIL
> This Place Is Death


sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2010

4 you

Cu tupeu din Six Feet Under Medias :p

> Creed - Higher
> Vama - Cantec De Gasit
> The 69 Eyes - Feel Berlin
> Alter Bridge - Shed My Skin

Enjoy it??

miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

Album of the week # 5

Bullet For My Valentine - Fever 2010

Bullet for My Valentine are a Welsh heavy metal band from Bridgend, formed in 1998. The band is composed of Matt Tuck (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Michael Paget (lead guitar), Jason James (bass guitar, backing vocals), and Michael Thomas (drums). They were formed under the name Jeff Killed John and started their music career by covering songs by Metallica and Nirvana. Jeff Killed John recorded six songs which were not released; two of these tracks were reworked later in their career as Bullet for My Valentine. Financial difficulties dictated the name change, which was followed by a change in music direction. In 2002, the band secured a five-album deal with Sony BMG. The band has stated that their music is influenced by classic heavy metal acts such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Slayer. The band is part of the Cardiff music scene.

Bullet for My Valentine's debut album, The Poison, was released on October 3, 2005 in the United Kingdom and on February 14, 2006 in the United States to coincide with Valentine's Day hence their band name. The album entered the Billboard 200 in the US at number 128. It was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America. The band made appearances at the Download Festival and Kerrang! XXV, and undertook a US tour with Rob Zombie. Bullet for My Valentine's second studio album, Scream Aim Fire, was released on January 29, 2008 and debuted at number four on the Billboard 200. The band's third album, Fever, was released on April 26, 2010 and debuted at number three on the Billboard 200. The band has sold over two million albums worldwide and are the most-successful act of all-time in the Kerrang! Awards category of "Best British Band" with three wins.

Fever is the third studio album by Welsh heavy metal band, Bullet for My Valentine. Containing eleven tracks, the album was released on April 26 and 27, 2010 in the UK and in the US, respectively. The band will be touring the US this spring to support their new album, starting on April 30, 2010; And also, they will be headlining the second stage at this year's Download Festival, which started in June 2010. The album sold 71,000 copies in the US and 21,965 in the UK in its first week of release to debut at position #3 on The Billboard 200 and #1 on Billboard's Rock and Alternative charts, making it the band's most successful record to date.

Track listing:

> Your Betrayal
> Fever
> The Last Fight
> A Place Where You Belong
> Pleasure And Pain
> Alone
> Breaking Out, Breaking Down
> Bittersweet Memories
> Dignity
> Begging For Mercy
> Pretty On The Outside


vineri, 3 septembrie 2010

Playlist de weekend (SPEED me towards death)

If you are in the mood of pushing yourself to the limit, then put the pedal to the metal, flashing your entire life between your eyes, with adrenaline pumping through your veins, quench your thirst with gasoline.

So give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire:

> Metallica – Fuel
> Guns `N` Roses – You Could Be Mine
> Danny Elfman – The Little Things
> Marylin Manson – This Is The New Shit
> Volbeat – Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood
> Nickelback – Next Contestant
> Rammstein – Du Hast
> Mastodon – Blood & Thunder
> Airbourne – Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
> U2 – Elevation
> Foo Fighters – The Pretender
> Lynyrd Skynyrd – Freebird
> Steel Dragon – We All Die Young
> Pantera – Cemetery Gates
> Metallica – Fade To Black


joi, 2 septembrie 2010

Nothing at all

Fading away from water, still drying yourself with air and wind and rough towels; your skin is burn and broken, but still so soft and…

… I want to walk into your grave…

… your parfume still impregnate in my blanket reminds of you, of your sweet taste, your soft skin…

… I learn as I go to float far away into silence in that quiet bliss…

… of your soft hair and gentle touch.

Speed me towards death while you killing me softly…

… where will we go when we get old? When the bustle and the noise get too frightening…

… while the sounds decompose into tiny little fragments of notes and feelings, with slow down drum rhythms and low pitch bass lines, fading all away…

… will you walk into the grave with me? Will you leave this empty world? Soft and wistfull, to sink into the dark, dark earth and never reappear would be blissful…

… fading all away in silence that can speak so much louder than words.

> Rob Dougan – Nothing At All