Ma uitam azi pe niste cifre, niste statistici iar lucrurile incep sa para promitatoare din nou. Si nu, nu e vorba de politica sau alte prostii de genul acesta. Pentru ca aici, pe Poetic Jam nu e loc de asa ceva! Credeam ca imbatranesc, dar se pare ca m-am inselat. De fapt totul este o adolescenta prelungita, o adolescenta mai matura, dar adolescenta! Cand credeam ca nu mai vine o data primvara si ma pregateam sa mai iau o perdea de fum pe mine, exact atunci m-a lovit. Eu ti-am mai zis ca de obicei am dreptate. Si continui sa ma uimesc pana si pe mine cateodata! Si ziceam de cifre, unele au inceput sa creasca, altele sa scada... Important e echilibrul dintre ele si ca balanta sa fie intotdeauna in vafoarea ta!
Si chiar daca primavara asta seamana momentan cu o toamna, chiar daca iarna nu a prea fost ci doar o toamna prelungita, eu astept vara. Nu de alta, dar vreau sa vad 14 cu ce va fi diferit (in bine) fata de 13.
Si ce daca e 4 jumatate dimineata si imediat o sa fac alte 24 de ore? Si ce daca afara ploua si e rece? Eu vreau sa ma plimb cu tine si sa povestim si sa radem. O cina in miez de noapte nu a fost niciodata mai buna decat cea din momentul de fata. Si daca sunt balti de ce sa ma feresc de ele, sa le ocolesc? Eu vreau sa intru in fiecare dintre ele si sa ne stropim din cap pana in picioare. Nu imi este frica ca o sa ma racesc pentru ca stiu ca acasa ne asteapta intotdeauna ceva cald si pana maine nu o sa mai avem nimic. Si daca vreau sa plec de la tine pe jos sa fac o jumatate de ora pana acasa si nu 5 minute cu un taxi care e problema? Ce are daca vreau sa simt picurii reci pe mainile-mi si fata-mi calde? Vreau sa ascult niste piese bune in drum spre casa si sa fumez toate tigarile care au mai ramas in pachet. Vreau sa simt ca bate vantul si ca imi este rece din cand in cand. Vreau sa simt cum imi bate inima mai tare si ca obosesc cand urc scarile infinite. Si ce daca e tarziu? Maine nu am nimic de facut. Si ce daca sunt obosit. Oricum dorm prea mult cateodata. Si ce daca trupul imi este plin de cicatrici si urme ale trecutului? Vreau sa le simt pe toate pana la ultima zgarietura. Vreau sa simt cum viata ma invaluie pentru ca am prea multa viata care imi curge prin vene. Si ce daca vreau sa gusti si tu din ea? S-ar putea sa-ti placa. Care e problema daca vreau sa fiu singur sau inconjurat de oameni in acelasi timp? Si ce daca vreau sa traiesc clipa asta la nesfarsit? Carpe fucking diem, baby! Lumineaza-mi noaptea cu zambetul tau si poate maine dimineata o sa ma trezesc mai bine dispus. Alunga-mi cosmarurile cu parfumul tau si maine poate o sa zambesc o data in plus. Bucura-mi seara cu atingerea-ti fina si maine probabil o sa fiu mai fericit!
joi, 17 aprilie 2014
duminică, 13 aprilie 2014
miercuri, 9 aprilie 2014
The end begins
Take my hand, now be alive! You see I can not be forsaken because I'm not the only one. Must we hide from everyone? Why can't we be togheter? Sleeping so long...
All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey...
Why don't you make mistakes like I do? - I don't wanna die!!!
You're heart is not open, so why I must go?! Freedom comes when learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say "no". You were my lesson I had to learn, I was your fortress you had to burn. I pray to God that it won't be long! I wanna get higher!!! There's nothing left to try, there's no place left to hide, there's nothing left to lose, there's no greater power than power of goodbye! Learn to say goodbye!
In front of me there are cartoons on TV, some cars are circling a lake. In my rigth there's a supergirl with pearls in her hair and I'm confrunting my demons. She's here, or at least I can feel her around me. She bothered me all morning. It's the thing she likes most. And I'm gonna tender surrender myself, because you give love a bad name. Fuck Yeah!!! And though we all die young, you can risk my soul and taste my life for my bread. I had to spend my time lost in space and questioning myself "am I dead?". Ohhh, let the river flow... and take me from my own, be the eyes of time! She turn my dream to stone, yeah, we all die...
The reason gates won't open up for me show me what it's life, and teach me wrong from right. Save me, because with these broken wings I'm falling! And all you need is you, I'm calling for you, SAVE ME! SAVE ME for the love of God!
Did you ever picture life like this, no shooting stars to grant your wish, are you everything you'll hope to be,cut somewhere in between? Only try to keep your head above the water, don't be another brick in the wall!!!
So, say it right, because all I know we both share regrets.
Should I try and cut myself for you? Do I have to let it bleed with no remours? Tell me exactly what to do! 'Cause I've been left here in the cold. There's nothing here we can not change. I can not find myslef without you (and) you can not be yourself without me, all I know is we both share regrets!
... and I'm running!
I wanna be alone this evening, don't need your friends, don't need your kisses too, another whiskey, can't stop drinking! ... and I'm running! And I'm hiding my love...
Mama told me when I was young - Set beside me, my only son and listen closely to what I say, and if you do this, it will help you some sunny day! Oh, take your turn, don't live to fast, troubles will come, and they will past. You'll find a woman, and you'll find love, and don't forget my son, there's someone of above! Don't worry, you'll find yourself, follow your heart and nothing else, and you can do this if you try, all that I want for you my son, is be satified! And be a simplem kind of man, I want to do this for me if you can! get your lust, a richman's goal, all that you need is in your soul. And you can do this if you try, all that I want for you my son is be satified!
Let my heart go, or let this heart be still
All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey...
Why don't you make mistakes like I do? - I don't wanna die!!!
You're heart is not open, so why I must go?! Freedom comes when learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say "no". You were my lesson I had to learn, I was your fortress you had to burn. I pray to God that it won't be long! I wanna get higher!!! There's nothing left to try, there's no place left to hide, there's nothing left to lose, there's no greater power than power of goodbye! Learn to say goodbye!
In front of me there are cartoons on TV, some cars are circling a lake. In my rigth there's a supergirl with pearls in her hair and I'm confrunting my demons. She's here, or at least I can feel her around me. She bothered me all morning. It's the thing she likes most. And I'm gonna tender surrender myself, because you give love a bad name. Fuck Yeah!!! And though we all die young, you can risk my soul and taste my life for my bread. I had to spend my time lost in space and questioning myself "am I dead?". Ohhh, let the river flow... and take me from my own, be the eyes of time! She turn my dream to stone, yeah, we all die...
The reason gates won't open up for me show me what it's life, and teach me wrong from right. Save me, because with these broken wings I'm falling! And all you need is you, I'm calling for you, SAVE ME! SAVE ME for the love of God!
Did you ever picture life like this, no shooting stars to grant your wish, are you everything you'll hope to be,cut somewhere in between? Only try to keep your head above the water, don't be another brick in the wall!!!
So, say it right, because all I know we both share regrets.
Should I try and cut myself for you? Do I have to let it bleed with no remours? Tell me exactly what to do! 'Cause I've been left here in the cold. There's nothing here we can not change. I can not find myslef without you (and) you can not be yourself without me, all I know is we both share regrets!
... and I'm running!
I wanna be alone this evening, don't need your friends, don't need your kisses too, another whiskey, can't stop drinking! ... and I'm running! And I'm hiding my love...
Mama told me when I was young - Set beside me, my only son and listen closely to what I say, and if you do this, it will help you some sunny day! Oh, take your turn, don't live to fast, troubles will come, and they will past. You'll find a woman, and you'll find love, and don't forget my son, there's someone of above! Don't worry, you'll find yourself, follow your heart and nothing else, and you can do this if you try, all that I want for you my son, is be satified! And be a simplem kind of man, I want to do this for me if you can! get your lust, a richman's goal, all that you need is in your soul. And you can do this if you try, all that I want for you my son is be satified!
Let my heart go, or let this heart be still
all or nothing,
alter bridge,
linkin park,
lynyrd skynyrd,
queen of the damned,
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