Fading away from water, still drying yourself with air and wind and rough towels; your skin is burn and broken, but still so soft and…
… I want to walk into your grave…
… your parfume still impregnate in my blanket reminds of you, of your sweet taste, your soft skin…
… I learn as I go to float far away into silence in that quiet bliss…
… of your soft hair and gentle touch.
Speed me towards death while you killing me softly…
… where will we go when we get old? When the bustle and the noise get too frightening…
… while the sounds decompose into tiny little fragments of notes and feelings, with slow down drum rhythms and low pitch bass lines, fading all away…
… will you walk into the grave with me? Will you leave this empty world? Soft and wistfull, to sink into the dark, dark earth and never reappear would be blissful…
… fading all away in silence that can speak so much louder than words.
> Rob Dougan – Nothing At All
and fade out...again!