Cea mai lunga zi din an. 21 iunie. Azi te-am vazut. Erai in rochia neagra. Da, rochia aceea neagra care iti vine super bine si care mi-a placut intotdeauna. Neagra cu flori albe... insangerate. Detalii. Pentru o clipa te-am zarit, dar nu mi-am putut lua privirea de la tine. Imaginea ta imi era atat de bine intiparita pe retina, incat te puteam vedea oricand, oriunde. Erai de mana cu un copil. Frumos copil. E al tau? Ca nu mi-am dat seama. Glumesc. Nu avea cum sa fie al tau pentru ca era prea mare si stiam ca nu ai un copil, dar erai cu un copil de mana, chiar daca varsta era mai apropiata de a ta, tot copil era. Se zbenguia de colo colo si pareati foarte fericiti impreuna. Vreau sa te intreb un lucru: esti fericita? Daca da, ma bucur pentru tine. Daca nu, fa sa fii fericita! Intr-un fel sau altul am stat toata ziua si am meditat la lucrul asta. Dar presupun ca din moment ce iti faci aparitia doar cand si cand esti fericita si nu ai nevoie de mine in "viata" ta. Cu toate ca in acelasi timp, aparitiile acestea spontane ale tale ma induc intr-un fel in eroare. Credeam ca eu sunt cel care am nevoie de tine, pentru echilibru, dar se pare ca si tu ai nevoie de mine din cand in cand. Nu inteleg pe de-antregul de ce tocmai azi ti-ai facut aparitia asa subtil; pentru ca au existat ceva contacte vizuale intre noi. Mai aveai putin si chiar zambeai. Eu unul ti-am zambit de vreo 2 ori, dar ti-ai pastrat "sangele" rece si nu ai schitat nici un gest inapoi... Chiar daca intr-un fel sau altul m-am invatat cu distanta dintre noi, imi place sa te vad din cand in cand si se pare ca nu putem merge mai departe altfel decat daca stim unul de celalalt intr-un fel sau altul. Acum nu ma pot gandi decat la zambetul tau (se vedea pe chipul tau ca esti fericita in situatia aceea, sau azi cel putin) si la tine. As vi vrut sa fumam o tigara impreuna dar nu se putea. As fi vrut sa stam sa povestim lucruri, sa ne pierdem in conversatia aceea eterna, dar nu se putea. As fi vrut macar sa ne salutam, dar nu s-a putut. As fi vrut sa schitezi macar un gest in ceea ce ma priveste, dar nu ai facut-o. E ceea ce nu o sa inteleg niciodata la tine: ma atragi in acelsi timp in care imi creezi repulsie. Poate ca asa e menit. Poate nu o sa aflu niciodata, sau poate o sa aflu atunci cand o sa ma reintalnesc cu alti oameni pierduti pe care i-ai luat la tine in suflet. Pana la momentul acela sunt sigur ca o sa ne mai revedem si cu alte ocazii... Pana una alta eu sunt cel pe care l-ai lasat in urma, pana una alta eu sunt vina pe care o sa o simti mereu.
Even if you're gone with the sin I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your sweet six six six in my heart. So please don't let it go when you know that you can be right here in my arms! Your my poison girl, you're always gonna be my poison girl and I'll love you forever! Your razorblade kiss defines my existence. I'm tired of waiting, you've got to let me dream 'cause you are the one, sweetness is the taste from your lips. So, bury me deep inside your heart! I wanna see deep shadows and brilliant highlights 'cause you're my heaven tonight! I'm in love with you!
luni, 22 iunie 2015
joi, 18 iunie 2015
Heaven & Hell
I spoke to God today, and she said that she's ashamed.
I spoke to the Devil today, and he swears he's not to blame.
I heard from God today, and she sounded just like me.
I saw the Devil today, and he looked a lot like me.
It could have been much worse, but it should have been better.
I know I'd hurt you, deserted you and now I see it clear.
I pulled you closer, tighter 'cause I knew you'd disappear.
I just can't compromise, apologize, there's nothing you can say.
We both knew it'd always end this way.
Like it or not I'm still a part of you and you're still a part of me.
If the world stops spinning tomorrow I'd never shed a tear!
If there was no tomorrow,if there was just today, would you make different choices, or would you stay the same?
So this is how it ends... All the tears, all the blood, it's all been for nothing.
As the candle dwindles and flickers out
The end.
I spoke to the Devil today, and he swears he's not to blame.
I heard from God today, and she sounded just like me.
I saw the Devil today, and he looked a lot like me.
It could have been much worse, but it should have been better.
I know I'd hurt you, deserted you and now I see it clear.
I pulled you closer, tighter 'cause I knew you'd disappear.
I just can't compromise, apologize, there's nothing you can say.
We both knew it'd always end this way.
Like it or not I'm still a part of you and you're still a part of me.
If the world stops spinning tomorrow I'd never shed a tear!
If there was no tomorrow,if there was just today, would you make different choices, or would you stay the same?
So this is how it ends... All the tears, all the blood, it's all been for nothing.
As the candle dwindles and flickers out
The end.
sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2015
The beauty of who you are!
Come on, beautiful friend
My love can't find no end
Be mine before you leave me again
Leave me again
You know I can't forget:
Tomorrow I'll be dead
Save me before you kill me again
Kill me again
My love can't find no end
Be mine before you leave me again
Leave me again
You know I can't forget:
Tomorrow I'll be dead
Save me before you kill me again
Kill me again
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